Why 2.0

hi guys, our framework has been here for years, it is quite old and far behind from new concept of web development.

Upgrade List

  • [PHP] use namespace to avoid class name conflict.
  • [PHP] use try catch to reorganise validation coding.
  • [PHP] use PDO driver.
  • [MYSQL] fully utilize innodb engine.
  • [PHP] use prepare statement to avoid sql injection.
  • [PHP] use begintransaction(), commit() and rollback() for transaction safety purpose.
  • [PHP] use composer to enjoy readymade libaries from different vendor.
  • [PHP] compartible to PHP7.
  • [PHP] MVC framework, reorganise better the project structure and promote more programmers to work together .
  • [JAVASCRIPT] fully utilize jquery and jquery-ui.
  • [CSS] fully utilize bootstrap4.
  • [OTHER] store in github's private respository for ease of programmer to contribute and download fresh copy of framework.
  • [OTHER] Composer is applied to keep dependecies working.
  • [PHP] Use Bcrypt for secure password storage.
  • [PHP] Better security, move most of codes out from web root (public_html).
  • [PHP] Comply security standard of banking system.
    1. Auto logout once session expire
    2. Always allow only one session per account stay logged in
    3. TAC required
  • [PHP] Table object can support table from cross database.

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